cahmd-core version: 3.1.5rc1

Welcome to Cahmd’s documentation!

Cahmd is a tool to simulate atomistic multiple-degree (magnetization, lattice, electron) dynamics based from tight-binding electronic structure as well as semi-classical theory. Parametrization of the classical dynamics can be directly determine in the tight binding, where vise versa dynamics can be simuated in tight binding without any parameterization.


  • Flexible: CaHmd is developed object orientated. Adding functionalities is easy and straight forward.

  • User friendly: CaHmd offers a complete documentation of functionalities, keyword, code structure and theoretical method. It offers a graphical interface for easy input generation. It works also with physical units in the input for improved understanding of the problem.

  • Strong support: Direct chat connection to the developers

  • Open Science: Data and Results produced and published by Cahmd are available online for everyone on Materials cloud.

  • Open source: Cahmd is released under a private licence and freely available after agreeing to Terms and Conditions.

See also the Cahmd home page.

Getting started

  • Cahmd

  • Afterwards, you might want to install Cahmd on your machine.

  • For setting up a production environment, you may find the configuration section helpful.

  • For the advanced, there is the complete and of course you can always peek into the code on the cahmd gitlab repository.

How to cite

If you use Cahmd for your research, please cite the following work:

Computer code CAHMD, classical atomistic hybrid multi-degree dynamics.

A computer program package for atomistic multiple-degrees of freedom dynamics simulations. (Danny Thonig,, 2013)

(unpublished, available from the author and


This work is funded by the Vetenskapsradet, Grant No. 2019-03666.

This work is funded by the Carl Tryggers, Grant No. CTS 21: 1400.


This documentation is work in progress, since we move from a static manual to this interactive. But we are woorking hard to update this documentation frequently.

For developers

You are welcome to join the development of the software. You mail your interest to the developer team.